School Innovation & Improvement Plan

An at-a-glance look at outcome goals for this academic school year.

School Innovation and Improvement Plan

  • 2023-24
  • South County High School
  • Region 4
  • Dr. Kambar Khoshaba, Principal

Growth and Performance in Coursework

Outcome: By June 2024, the annual pass rate of the Reading SOL for Hispanic students will increase by at least 5 percentage points (65% to 70%).

  • Strategy 1 

    Expand culture of shared responsibility where collaborative teams ensure the learning of every student.

  • Strategy 2

    Increase student course success through Tier 2 interventions

  • Strategy 3

    Increase development of literacy skills and habits of mind across disciplines.

Evidence of Progression Towards or Successful Completion of Advanced Coursework

Outcome: By June 2024, the percentage of Hispanic students succeeding in honors courses (based on final marks) will increase by 5% (58%-63%). 

  • Strategy 1

    Improve student engagement through consistent rigorous and relevant learning experiences

  • Strategy 2

    Increase opportunities for students to engage in open-ended tasks that require critical and creative thinking.

  • Strategy 3

    Increase opportunities for student reflection, goal-setting, and feedback that supports growth around content and Portrait of a Graduate skills.

Chronic Absenteeism

Outcome: By June 2024, the students with 10% or more absences will decrease from the previous year of 18% to 13%

  • Strategy 1

    Strengthen school team practices to monitor attendance data and determine need for intervention and additional support.

  • Strategy 2

    Strengthening messaging to staff, students and families around attendance to school. Each stakeholder should be able to understand how daily attendance matters, not only for academic success, but because school offers an opportunity to develop social and emotional skills such as listening, paying attention, problem-solving and self-regulation, all which are needed to grow and learn.

  • Strategy 3

    Create a school culture of engagement & belonging for students and families. Every staff, student, and family will feel safe and connected to the school community.


Outcome: By June 2024, the discipline disproportionality data for Hispanic male students will decrease by 5% compared to the baseline data from the 2022-2023 academic year.

  • Strategy 1

    Establish a positive and affirming schoolwide and classroom culture conducive to student engagement.

  • Strategy 2

    Utilize an MTSS framework to establish and organize a schoolwide continuum of proactive behavior and wellness supports.

  • Strategy 3

    Integrate consistent analysis of discipline data disaggregated by subgroups (race/ethnicity, SWD, EL, FRM).