Transcript Requests

The process for obtaining school transcripts for current students or graduates

Transcript Request Procedures (South County High School)

Transcript Assistant

Current Students


Most college and scholarship organizations require that your official transcript be sent directly from South County to their institutions.  Students should adhere to the following process to request their official transcripts:

  1. Submit the "Consent for Release of Student Records in Support of Post-secondary Applications(link is external)" form. Both the student and the parent and/or guardian are required to sign this form for students under the age of 18. Parent and/or guardian signature is not required if the student is aged 18 or older. A hand signature is required. Form needs to be scanned and emailed to or to or hand delivered to the Student Services office. THIS FORM ONLY NEEDS TO BE SUBMITTED ONCE.  The transcript office cannot send records on behalf of a student unless this form is on file. If you have already submitted this form, there is no need to resubmit.
  2. Complete the College Admission form electronically at: is external)
  3. A separate transcript request form must be submitted for each institution where you would like your transcript sent.  ALL Common App schools must be submitted individually on the google form.
  4. There are currently NO transcript fees for current students.  You can check status of transcripts sent in Naviance.
  5. If you make any changes to an existing transcript request (deadline date change, withdrawal of request, etc.) please contact Mrs. Lauria directly at 703-446-1632 or
  6. The transcript “package” includes the transcript, a secondary school report/recommendation form completed by your counselor and a school profile.  The transcript office will automatically send a mid-year updated transcripts for all schools/institutions that have been requested.  Seniors will complete a survey at the end of the school year to select where their final transcript needs to be sent.
  7. Requests should be submitted according to the following schedule to meet the required deadlines. SCHS cannot guarantee on-time delivery for requests received after the deadline indicated below.
College Deadline:SCHS Transcript Request Deadline:
October 15thSeptember 15th
November 1stOctober 1st
November 15thOctober 16th
December 1stOctober 31st
January 1stDecember 2nd
January 15thDecember 16th
February 1st or laterJanuary 6th


  1. Confirm Consent to Release Records form has been completed and submitted to
  2. Complete the Scholarship and other Programs form electronically at is external)
  3. Transcripts will be sent with a School Profile.  Any recommendations to support scholarship applications MUST be requested from the counselor directly and are not automatically included by submitting through this form.

NOTE - Requests to send SAT and/or ACT scores must go to (SAT) or (ACT).

Former Students Who Graduated/Attended Within the Last Five Years

Transcript Request Procedures (FCPS Central Office)

Former Students Who Graduated More Than Five Years Ago

  • If you graduated from South County High School more than five years ago, your transcript is held at the FCPS Records Center. Please call 703-329-7741 or email Records Center at

Graduated More Than Five Years Ago?