PSAT Information

Digital PSAT/ NMSQT - Wednesday, October 9, 2024

On Wednesday, October 9, tenth and eleventh grade students will be taking the Digital Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT) exam. 

Digital PSAT Day Schedule

All FCPS high schools will operate on a two-hour early release schedule. High school academy courses and all high school shuttles will be canceled on this day. 

Planning for the PSAT - What to Bring

Required Materials

Students must bring the following materials with them on the day of the exam, which are required to take the assessment. 

  • Student ID – a method of identification including a picture. Examples include:
    • School Picture ID- your school ID (this year or last year’s) is acceptable
    • Driver’s License with Picture
    • Passport
  • Your fully-charged FCPS Chromebook/ laptop with charger – this should be the device you used to complete your Digital Readiness check in Advisory during the end of September.
  • Writing utensils – even though the test is digital, you will be given scratch paper should you want to work out any problems.
  • Emergency contact information - this is simply a piece of paper with your name and a contact phone number in case of emergency (since many of us don’t have phone numbers memorized in this technological era anymore)

Permitted Materials

Students are permitted to bring the following materials. 

  • Approved calculator - The digital testing platform has a built-in desmos graphing calculator, so you do not need to bring a hand-held calculator. However, you may bring one if you wish. Further details regarding approved calculators can be found here.(link is external) 
  • Food/water - May be taken into the exam room but must remain underneath the desk while the exam is underway and may be accessed outside of the testing room only during breaks, unless a specific accommodation allows otherwise

Prohibited Materials

Students are prohibited to use the following materials in the testing room and during breaks.

  • Use of electronic devices is prohibited from the time the student is admitted to the building until they are dismissed at the end of the test, including break times. Specifically:
    • Students may not handle or access a cell phone or electronic device at any time in the testing room or during break times. This includes smart watches, fitness bands, and any other devices with recording, internet, or communication capabilities.
    • All devices, including cell phones and wearable devices, must be turned off and placed out of sight


More information regarding the PSAT/ NMSQT can be found in the PSAT/ NMSQT Guide(link is external).

Breakfast will be available in the cafeteria before the test like on standard school days.

Once you are dismissed, grab and go lunch will be available for purchase and busses will be running all normal routes at 12:45 PM.

Please make sure you are in your test room no later than 8:10 AM on Wednesday, October 9.

If you have any further questions, please contact Mr. Bird at or at 703-446-1643.


FCPS transportation is available for all students participating in the PSAT/NMSQT. Regular bus routes will be provided in the morning and after the early release.  Families of students requiring alternate transportation arrangements due to accommodated testing will be contacted directly by the PSAT School Day Coordinator.

Schedule and Logistics for Exam Day

FCPS Leadership approved Wednesday, October 9 as an “unscheduled day” for most students who are not participating in PSAT or SAT assessments or specific services.

  • Students receiving low incidence special education services receive a normal instructional program if not participating in the PSAT/NMSQT or SAT School Day
  • Grade 9 students do not attend school this day 
  • Grade 10-11 students take the PSAT/NMSQT, with limited exceptions 
  • Grade 12 students are encouraged to participate in the SAT School Day; those choosing not to take the SAT do not attend school this day

General logistics of note:

  • October 9 is a 2-hour early release day for high schools and secondary schools. 
  • PSAT/NMSQT administration begins in the morning, according to regular school start times.  
  • High school academy courses are not held on October 9; high school academy staff support base school activities, and all high school shuttles are canceled on this date.
  • Breakfast and lunch are available for purchase.