SAT School Day Testing
SAT School Day 2024 - Wednesday, October 9
Please arrive at South County High School between 7:50 and 8:00 AM (normal school arrival time). Busses will be running their normal morning routes.
Room Assignments will be sent directly to seniors on September 20 via their email accounts.
Planning for SAT School Day - What to Bring
Required Materials
Students must bring the following materials with them on the day of the exam, which are required to take the assessment.
- Student ID – a method of identification including a picture. Examples include:
- School Picture ID- your school ID (this year or last year’s) is acceptable
- Driver’s License with Picture
- Passport
- Your fully-charged FCPS-issued Chromebook and charger - You will NOT be allowed to use a personal Chromebook for this test for security reasons. This should be the device you completed your Digital Readiness Check on during the week of September 23. If you do not have an FCPS Chromebook, please see Mr. Waters in the Tech Office to sign out your Chromebook for the academic year.
- Writing utensils - for scratch work
- Emergency contact information - this is simply a piece of paper with your name and a contact phone number in case of emergency (since many of us don’t have phone numbers memorized in this technological era anymore)
Permitted Materials
Students are permitted to bring the following materials.
- Approved calculator – You do not NEED to bring a calculator for the test. A calculator is provided as part of the Bluebook platform you will be testing on. If you would still like a hand-held calculator, further details regarding approved calculators can be found here .
- Food/water - May be taken into the exam room but must remain underneath the desk while the exam is underway and may be accessed outside of the testing room only during breaks, unless a specific accommodation allows otherwise
Prohibited Materials
Students are prohibited to use the following materials in the testing room and during breaks.
- Use of electronic devices is prohibited from the time the student is admitted to the building until they are dismissed at the end of the test, including break times. Specifically:
- Students may not handle or access a cell phone or electronic device at any time in the testing room or during break times. This includes smart watches, fitness bands, and any other devices with recording, internet, or communication capabilities.
- All devices, including cell phones and wearable devices, must be turned off and placed out of sight
Testing Room Assignments
Students should receive their testing room assignment via email no later than Friday, September 20.
More information regarding the SAT School Day can be found in the SAT School Day Student Guide.
Once you have completed the test and all materials have been collected and your testing room is secure, seniors will be dismissed and required to leave the building. Seniors in need of bus transportation will wait in the Library until 12:45 PM.
Breakfast will be available in the cafeteria before the test. Once you are dismissed, grab and go lunch will be available and busses will be running all normal routes at 12:45 PM.
Please make sure you are in your test room no later than 8:10 AM on Wednesday, October 9.
If you have any further questions, please contact Mr. Bird at or at 703-446-1643.
FCPS transportation is available for all students participating in SAT School Day. Regular bus routes will be provided in the morning and after the early release. Families of students requiring alternate transportation arrangements due to accommodated testing will be contacted directly by the SAT School Day Coordinator. If you know your student will need alternate transportation requirements due to accommodated testing, please reach out to Chris Bird, SAT School Day Coordinator, as soon as possible.
SAT School Day 2024 - Wednesday, October 9
From: South County High School
Sent to: All Families of Rising Twelfth Grade Students
Subject: SAT School Day Intent to Participate
On Wednesday, October 9, South County High School twelfth graders will have the opportunity to participate in the SAT School Day. FCPS will cover the cost for any twelfth grade student to take this test. The essay option and subject area tests are not available during SAT School Day.
To reserve a seat for your twelfth grader to take this exam and ensure appropriate test materials are available for your student, families are asked to complete the form below by Wednesday, September 4.
South County High School: 2024 SAT School Day Intent to Participate Form
Your student will need to use a email account to access and complete this form. A translated version of the form content may be found on the SAT School Day Intent Form webpage ( FCPS sites cannot accept walk-ins on the day of the exam.
General information about the SAT School Day test format is available on the College Board webpage ( Directions on how to access scores and score release dates are published by College Board via the College Board website.
We will share exam day schedules and additional details in the coming weeks. If you have questions about the SAT School Day administration at South County High School, please contact Chris Bird at or at 703-446-1643.