Clubs and Organizations

Organization descriptions and sponsors

A list of clubs and activities can be accessed by students via the Clubs/Activities website posted in the Schoology Course called SCHS Student Resources

For information about starting a new club, please contact Ms. Maureen Saale,

Below is a list of Clubs and Activities that are currently active at South County High School:

Name of Club/ActivitySponsor

African Student Dance Team/ African Student Assoc

Brittany Harris  

Animal Allies

Lisa Irish 

Animal Outreach

Craig Dodd  

Aquatic Biology Club 

Katherine Huber  

Asian Student Association

Koji Otani & Leander Madoo

Aspiring Medical Professionals

Katherine Huber  

Auto Enthusiasts Club

Michael Strausser  

Artistic Ambassadors 

Haris Siadi  

Baking Buddies

Sam Ballard 


Kevin Engdahl   

Best Buddies 

Walter Bagwell  

Black Students Alliance

Tonya Lipsey     

Bollywood Dance Club

Andrea Scarbrough-Moussaoui

Book Club

Emily Strong  

Bracelets for Causes

Sally Perry   

Care 4 Cancer

Marlen Maley  

Caribbean Student Association

James Mason 

Chess Club

Andrew Crichton 

Crochet Club 

Kim Sholtis   

Chorus ***

A J Rodriquez 

College Partnership Program

Leslie Lewis, Holly Biehl, Doris Straughn, & Hassan Mims

Computer Science Honor Society

Chris Long 


Brittany Terry, Hillary Huffman, & Kate Haldeman   

Desi Student Association 

Jaya Santram 

Digital Art Club

Walter Bagwell  

Drama ***

Mrs. Schrader        

Dungeon And Dragons

Sean McCormally & Graham Beaber 

Elder Outreach Club

Ronielle Romney 

Ethiopian Assoc

Tivantee Reid   

Family, Career & Community Leaders of America (FCCLA)

David Long 

Fashion Club

Lisa DeBeauville 

FCA - Fellowship Christian Athletes

Cyrus Shroff , Craig Dodd , & Tammy Taylor-Hendricks   

Finance and Investment


Filipino Student Association 

Maerna McClintonBrian Cabacar 


Sam Ballard 

French Club

Susan Baker  

Fund Finders 

Kat Ohlmeyer 

Future Business Leaders of America

Chris Long

Gardening Club

Kirstin Armstrong 

Gay Straight Alliance

Cat Rinehart & Juliana Morrison   

Girls Who Code

Chris Long

Hispanic Student Assoc. 

Doris Straughn 

Homeless Outreach

Marlen Maley    

International Club ( Not International Night) 

RC Gamble  

International Thespian Society

Mrs. Schrader  

Japanese Club

Koji Otani   

Japanese Natl Honor Society

Koji Otani   

Key Club

Sally Perry, Terry Smith, & Lisa Irish 

Korean Student Assoc

Brian Mason

Literary Magazine  (Xanthus)

Angelica Anderson 

Math Honor Society  (Mu Alpha Theta)

Matt Lewis  

Math Team

Safia Elhasan 

Middle Eastern & North African Student Association (ASA)

Safia Elhasan 

Minority Arts Appreciation

Kat Ohlmeyer  

Model Judiciary

Matthew HIckman  

Morgans Message

Erin Ruddy 

Model UN

Kathleen Deering  

Muslim Student Association

Haris Saidi 

Multicultural Student Union

Tonya Lipsey   

National Art Honor Society

Justyne Fischer 

National English Honor Society

Samantha Ballard 

National French Honor Society

Susan Baker 

National Honor Society

James Mason & George Bigus

National Latin Honor Society

M.C. Moshos 

National Spanish Honor Society

Kim Sholtis  

Orchestra ***

Marci Swift 

Pathways to Progress


Pen Pal Club 

Tivantee Reid 

Photography Club

Arthur Smith 

Psychology Club

Sara Jeanblanc 

Rho Kappa National Soc. Studies Honor Society

Chris House 

Roots and Shoots


SAT Prep Club 

Jeff Darby 

Scholastic Bowl

Chris Bird & Eric Greiling 

Science Olympiad

Cathleen Rinehart  

Science National Honor Society


Social Group- NEASONS

Heather Frost 

SOCOAST Step Team 



Juliana Morrison 

SOCO Forensic Science

Cathleen Rinehart  

Stallion Ambassadors

Becky Freeman & Brittany Maslowsky 

Stress Less 

Jeff Darby 

South Asian Cuisine Club

Angelica Anderson 

Tales for Tots

Michelle Gunderman 

Technology Student Assoc.

Daniel Velazquez

The Treehouse

Shanae Hill 

Tri-M Music Honor Society

Marci Swift & Kevin Engdahl 

Vietnamese Student Assoc

Julianna Morrison 

Woman of the World

Shanae Hill 

World Peace Club

Tivantee Reid 

Work 2 Be Well

Brian Mason  

Yearbook (Lock and Key)

Zachery Zehner 

Young Investors

Hillary Huffman 

Young Democrats

Brad Smith