AP Testing

AP Testing Update - March 25, 2025

AP Exam Schedule

Date 8:00 Exams – Arrive at 7:30 AM 12:00 Exams – Arrive at 11:30 AM
May 5 Biology (H) none
May 6 Chemistry (H)/ Human Geography (D) US Government (D)
May 7 English Literature and Composition (D) Comparative Government (D)/ Computer Science A (D)
May 8 African American Studies (D)/ Statistics (H) Japanese (D) / World History (D)
May 9 US History (D) none
May 12 Calculus AB/ BC (H) Seminar (D)
May 13 Precalculus (H)/ French Language Environmental Science (D)/     Physics 2 (H)
May 14 English Language and Composition ((D) Physics C: Mechanics (H)
May 15 Spanish Language Computer Science Principles (D)
May 16 Physics 1 (H) Psychology (D)


























Exams marked with a (D) or (H) will be digital or Hybrid-digital tests that will need to be taken on an FCPS-issued Chromebook. Students must bring their FCPS-issued Chromebook and charger to their digital AP exams. 

AP 2-D Art and Design and AP 3-D Art and Design portfolios will be due during the week of May 9. Ms. Fischer and Ms. Kimble will communicate details to students.

All standard timing tests will be in the Gym except for the following:

AP Chemistry, Comparative Government, African-American Studies, and French Language will take place in the Silverbox (C103).

AP Japanese and AP Spanish Language and Culture will take place in C202.

AP Physics 2 will take place in the Student Services Conference Room

Students testing with accommodations ( extended time, extra breaks, etc) will receive their test locations via email from the testing office a week before their exam. 

Exam Conflicts: It is important that you take your AP exam on the scheduled date. However, outside conflicts may arise and students may re-schedule their exam to the College Board approved late-testing date.  Below are circumstances when late testing is allowed:
  • Academic Contest/ event
  • Athletic contest/event
  • Conflict with IB or Cambridge exam
  • Conflict with nationally, province-, or state-mandated test
  • Digital testing logistics
  • Disabilities accommodations issues
  • Emergency: bomb scare or fire alarm
  • Serious injury, illness, or family tragedy
  • High school graduation
  • Religious holiday/observance
  • School closing: election, national holiday, or natural disaster
  • Strike/labor conflict
  • Student court appearance
  • 2 AP Exams on the same date at the same time

If you have a conflict that will prevent you from taking your AP exam at the scheduled date and time, please contact Mr. Bird no later than May 9 at 4:00 PM to re-schedule your exam. The College Board approved Late testing opportunities can be found here(link is external)

Unused Test Fees

AP Opt-out forms were sent home in October and had to be submitted to the Student Services Department by October 31.

Students who cancel or do not sit for an AP exam will not be charged the College Board $40 cancellation fee. 

For exam number 7 and beyond, a non-refundable full test fee has been charged through MySchoolBucks. There is no additional financial penalty for not taking the exam.

Day of your test

AP Exam directions begin promptly at 7:30am (for the 8:00 exams) and 11:30am (for the 12:00 exams). Please make sure you plan for transportation for your exams in advance. You will receive an email the week before AP exams start with your exact testing location.

Please bring the following items to your exam:

  • 2 sharpened No. 2 pencils with erasers.
  • 2 pens with black or dark blue ink. 
  • For Digital and Hybrid-Digital AP Exams (see schedule) : Your FCPS-Issued Chromebook and Charger
  • A watch that does not have internet access, beep or make noise, or have an alarm. 
  • Up to 2 approved calculators with the necessary capabilities if you are taking an AP Biology, AP Calculus, AP Chemistry, AP Environmental Science, AP Physics, or AP Statistics Exam. Visit apstudents.org/courses to find the calculator policy for your subject. For a list of approved graphing calculators, visit apstudents.org/calculators. 
  • A ruler or straightedge only if you are taking an AP Physics Exam. Protractors are not allowed. 
  • A current government issued or school issued photo ID if you do not attend the school where you are taking the AP Exam. 
  • Your SSD Student Accommodations Letter from College Board if you have been approved for testing accommodations by College Board.
Early Release/ Late Arrival on Test Days

In the past, many of our students who are taking morning exams have brought in parent excuses for an early release; likewise, students taking afternoon exams have come in late with notes from home. 

In order to facilitate and expedite the attendance process during the AP testing window, we are asking that you use this form if you wish to excuse your student from classes on the days when he/she will be taking AP Exams. Forms are due to Ms. Clarke in the Attendance Office no later than Wednesday April 30th with no exceptions.  Once this form is submitted, you do NOT need to call your student in or out on an AP testing day.

If you have subject-specific questions regarding your AP exams, please ask your AP teacher. If you have any questions regarding test scheduling, please email Mr. Bird, AP Test Coordinator. 

FORM_AP Early Dismissal Letter 2025.pdf

Advanced Placement (AP) Testing

The current AP exam testing schedule can be found here.(link is external) 

College Board Testing Accommodations 

Students who would like to apply to the College Board for testing accommodations through their school must submit application and parental consent forms before January 15th in order to provide schools time to meet the submission deadline established by the College Board. Please contact your school’s Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) coordinator for additional information. Families can also submit requests directly to College Board. 


Please note that testing accommodations listed on IEPs or 504s are not automatically granted for AP testing, so families must apply separately to the College Board. If a student already has College Board accommodations approved from a previous PSAT/NMSQT, PSAT 10, SAT, or AP test, then no further action is needed. Once instated, accommodations remain in place for all College Board testing. 


FCPS AP Exam Registration and Fees

Please refer to the FCPS website for additional information. 


Advanced Placement (AP) Registration and Fees(link is external) 



AP Testing Update - April 2, 2024

Day of your test

AP Exam directions begin promptly at 7:30am (for the 8:00 exams) and 11:30am (for the 12:00 exams). Please make sure you plan for transportation for your exams in advance. You will receive an email the week before AP exams start with your exact testing location.

Please bring the following items to your exam:

  • 2 sharpened No. 2 pencils with erasers.
  • 2 pens with black or dark blue ink. 
  • For Digital AP Exams (see schedule below) : Your FCPS-Issued Chromebook and Charger
  • A watch that does not have internet access, beep or make noise, or have an alarm. 
  • Up to 2 approved calculators with the necessary capabilities if you are taking an AP Biology, AP Calculus, AP Chemistry, AP Environmental Science, AP Physics, or AP Statistics Exam. Visit apstudents.org/courses to find the calculator policy for your subject. For a list of approved graphing calculators, visit apstudents.org/calculators. 
  • A ruler or straightedge only if you are taking an AP Physics Exam. Protractors are not allowed. 
  • A current government issued or school issued photo ID if you do not attend the school where you are taking the AP Exam. 
  • Your SSD Student Accommodations Letter from College Board if you have been approved for testing accommodations by College Board.

Exam Locations

All tests will be in the Gym except for the following:

AP Microeconomics, AP Seminar, AP Computer Science A, and AP African-American Studies will take place in the Silverbox (C103).

AP Spanish Language and Culture will take place in C202.

AP French Language and AP Music Theory will take place in C236.

Students testing with accommodations will receive their test locations via email from the testing office a week before their exam. 

Exam Conflicts

It is important that you take your AP exam on the scheduled date. However, outside conflicts may arise and students may re-schedule their exam to the College Board approved late-testing date.  Below are circumstances when late testing is allowed:

  • Academic Contest/ event
  • Athletic contest/event
  • Conflict with IB or Cambridge exam
  • Conflict with nationally, province-, or state-mandated test
  • Disabilities accommodations issues
  • Emergency: bomb scare or fire alarm
  • Serious injury, illness, or family tragedy
  • High school graduation
  • Language lab scheduling conflict
  • Religious holiday/observance
  • School closing: election, national holiday, or natural disaster
  • Strike/labor conflict
  • Student court appearance
  • 2 AP Exams on the same date at the same time

If you have a conflict that will prevent you from taking your AP exam at the scheduled date and time, please contact Mr. Bird no later than May 10 at 4:00 PM to re-schedule your exam. The College Board approved Late testing opportunities can be found here(link is external).

Unused Test Fees

AP Opt-out forms were sent home in October and had to be submitted to the Student Services Department by October 20.

Students who cancel or do not sit for an AP exam will not be charged the College Board $40 cancellation fee. 

For exam number 7 and beyond, a non-refundable full test fee will be charged. There is no additional financial penalty for not taking the exam.

Early Release/ Late Arrival on Test Days

In the past, many of our students who are taking morning exams have brought in parent excuses for an early release; likewise, students taking afternoon exams have come in late with notes from home. 

In order to facilitate and expedite the attendance process during the AP testing window, we are asking that you use this form if you wish to excuse your student from classes on the days when he/she will be taking AP Exams. Forms are due to Ms. Clarke in the Attendance Office no later than Wednesday May 1st with no exceptions.  Once this form is submitted, you do NOT need to call your student in or out on an AP testing day.

FORM_AP Early Dismissal Letter 2024.pdf