Writing SOL Test

March 1 and March 15, 2021

Writing SOL Update - February 25, 2021

Parents of 11th grade students who filled out the Intent to Test form should have received an email confirmation of your student's testing choices on Sunday, February 21.  If you have any questions regarding your student's choices, please email Chris Bird at cwbird@fcps.edu(link sends email).

Students who are testing on Monday March 1 received their room assignments today in their @fcpsschools.net email. 

On Test Day - Monday March 1

Please review this daily health screening(link is external) with your student before coming to school. The health screening tool is available in English(link is external)Amharic(link is external)Arabic(link is external)Chinese(link is external)Farsi(link is external)Korean(link is external)Spanish(link is external)Urdu(link is external) and   Vietnamese(link is external). You do NOT need to bring a paper copy of the health screening from with you.

Make sure you bring a mask and wear it at all times within the building.

Please arrive at South County High School by 8:05 AM and be in your assigned classroom by 8:15 AM

Make sure you bring your fully-charged FCPS laptop, your laptop charger, and a writing utensil.

Students are permitted to bring the following materials:

  • Hand sanitizers and/or wipes - May be taken into the exam room but must remain underneath the desk while the exam is underway
  • Food/water - May be taken into the exam room but must remain underneath the desk while the exam is underway and may be accessed outside of the testing room only during breaks

Students are prohibited to use the following materials in the testing room and during breaks.

Use of electronic devices is prohibited from the time the student is admitted to the building until they are dismissed at the end of the test, including break times. Specifically:

  • Students may not handle or access a cell phone or electronic device at any time in the testing room or during break times. This includes smart watches, fitness bands, ear buds, and any other devices with recording, internet, or communication capabilities.
  • All devices, including cell phones and wearable devices, must be turned off and placed out of sight
  • Recommendation: do not bring your electronic device into the building!!!

For Students taking Both Parts of the Test on March 1st

Because are taking both tests on the same day, you will be allowed a break between to the sections. You will be allowed to bring food and use the cafeteria to eat between sections.

Following testing best practices, students who want to take the second part of the Writing SOL on the same day must complete the first part no later than 11:30 AM. Students who do not complete the Short Paper section by that time will not be allowed to start the second section and will need to come back on Monday, March 15 to take the second section.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email Chris Bird, Test Coordinator, at cwbird@fcps.edu(link sends email)






For 11th Grade Students taking English 11 or English 11 Honors

Your student is enrolled in an English 11, English 11 Honors, or AP English Language and Composition course and identified to take the Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL) End-of-Course (EOC) English: Writing Test in March 2021 to earn verified credit that is required to graduate with a standard or advanced studies diploma. The test will be offered on Monday, March 1 and Monday, March 15 at South County High School. These dates were selected so as to not interfere with synchronous instruction occurring from Tuesday – Fridays.

What is the format of the SOL EOC English: Writing Test?

The SOL EOC English: Writing consists of two components: short-paper (March 1) and Multiple choice (March 15). These components are administered online, in-person at school in two sessions. Sessions may be administered on one or two days. The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) requires parent consent for students to take both test components on a single day, which would occur on March 1

Is my student required to take this test in March 2021?

Due to Covid-related flexibility, VDOE will not require students to take this assessment in March 2021. There is no academic impact of deferring this test; however, students must still earn a verified credit in writing to meet VDOE graduation requirements. Parents and students should contact the school counselor to ensure that deferring the test will not delay graduation.

If we defer SOL testing in March 2021, when can my student access a test for verified credit?

The timing of a student’s graduation plans should be taken into consideration when considering the following options:

  • SOL EOC English: Writing - FCPS will offer the SOL English Writing test in Fall 2021 and Spring 2022.


  • WorkKeys Business Writing - FCPS will offer the ACT WorkKeys Business Writing assessment in Spring 2021, Fall 2021, and Spring 2022. This standardized-timed test is approved by VDOE to fulfill the writing verified credit requirement and consists of a single business-related writing prompt administered online, in-person at school. Preparation for this assessment typically occurs outside of English class as business writing is not part of the standard curriculum for these courses. Contact your school's AC/STC for more information.


  • AP/IB English Exams - Several AP and IB English assessments may also be used as a substitute test to fulfill the verified credit requirement. If your student is enrolled in an AP English Language and Composition course, please contact your student’s counselor to learn more about these options. You will also receive additional information to allow your student to opt in to the Writing SOL exam in March is you choose.


If you have questions about SOL testing or wish to refuse testing, please contact your student’s school counselor, or the Assessment Coach, Chris Bird, at cwbird@fcps.edu(link sends email).