SCHS Students Exemplify SCHS Core Values

By Ms. Tolan, Assistant Principal
September 11, 2023

The South County High School Vision and Mission Statements stem from our Core Values of Honesty, Trust, Curiosity, and Hope. At South County, we strive to have Honesty and Trust for ourselves and others, so we may have Curiosity and Hope for our futures. Each month, students are nominated for demonstrating one or more of our Core Values. See what all of our amazing students are doing here.

SCHS Core Values Image

Each month, staff members will nominate students who exhibit our core values of Honesty, Trust, Curiosity, and Hope. Students that were nominated in August and September were the following:

These students kicked of the 2023-24 year in August exhibiting HOPE !

Ryan, Olivia, and Oksana, are being recoginized for exhibiting SCHS Core Values.
Ryan, Olivia, and Oksana are being recognized for demonstrating HOPE. These three brave students presented to our entire faculty about what it is like growing up as a military child. They were able to share their unique experiences and provide tips of how to best support our military connected students.
Jayden and Omari  were identified as students who exhibited the core value of HOPE.
Jayden and Omari came across a middle school student that was in need of support. They immediately jumped in, cared for the student, and brought him to get extra help from the adults in our building. A fellow teacher shared, “Watching two of our seniors take that young man and nurture him when they found him sitting outside needing help made me a proud teacher”. Jayden and Omari demonstrated HOPE by acting with empathy and grace towards a fellow stallion.


September Student Nominations for exhibiting Core Values