Attendance Reporting, Policies, and Procedures
Procedures and policies regarding student attendance
School begins promptly at 8:10 AM and ends at 2:55 PM. Students are expected to attend every class or activity for which they are scheduled each school day. Specifically, this means that students must attend all classes; report to the cafeteria during their assigned lunch; go to the designated area of the school for assemblies, pep rallies, and other special events; and be punctual. FCPS requires that a call or note be received from a parent or guardian within 48 hours of an absence.
What To Do When Student Is or Will Be Absent From School
It is the responsibility of the parent or legal guardian to report their student’s absence using one of the methods listed below. Please report the absence by 8:30 AM on the morning of the absence. Phone messages or emails received from a number or email other than what is listed in SIS for the parent, will result in a phone call to the parent or guardian for verification. We will not excuse absences reported by students.
How to Submit an Absence:
- Submit in ParentVue: Beginning in the 24-25 school year, parents/legal guardians can submit full-day absences using ParentVUE. Learn more about attendance reporting through ParentVUE.
- When reporting a student's absence, please be specific about why your student will not attend school.
- When reporting a student's absence, please be specific about why your student will not attend school.
Alternative Options:
- Email the Attendance Office: Our email is
- Call the SCHS Attendance Line: Our attendance phone number is 703-446-1625.
- Option 1 – All Day Absence
- Option 2 – Late Arrival
- Option 3 – Early Release
- Email the Attendance Office: Our email is
When reporting an absence please provide:
Student name and ID number
Caller’s relationship to student and phone number
Reason for absence (please be specific about the reason for the absence, especially if they have fever, vomiting, sore throat and/or cough. If your student was diagnosed with an illness by a healthcare provider, please include that information).
*If the student will be absent for more than one day, please provide the days the student will miss.
What To Do When Student Arrives Late To School/Class
Being on time to school, class, work and appointments is a valuable life skill.
- Students arriving between 8:10 and 8:20 must sign in at a hallway tardy station before reporting to class. After 8:20, students must sign in at the Attendance Office and receive a pass to class.
- An email, note or phone call from a parent or legal guardian is required for an excused tardy. A tardy is excused only for an excused reason listed below. If a student is arriving late due to a medical or dental appointment, please have your student provide a doctor’s note upon arrival.
- Students who are late to class will be marked unexcused tardy unless they have a pass from their sub-school or valid reason for being late.
- If a student is incorrectly marked tardy or absent by a teacher, the student should speak to the teacher directly as soon as possible. The teacher can correct the students’ attendance in SIS.
What To Do When Student Needs To Leave School Early
All Fairfax County Public Schools are closed campuses, meaning that students are not to leave school grounds during the day without permission.
- Parent/guardian should call, email, or send a note (hand written is accepted) regarding the early release. It is recommended to call first thing in the morning to report the early release or provide at least a 2-hour notice for an early dismissal. *Attendance Contact Information: Email - & Phone - 703-446-1625
- Please provide:
- Reason for leaving school early.
- Specific time of dismissal.
Only a parent or guardian is authorized to sign a student out during the school day. An adult listed on the Emergency Contact List may check a student out if we have an email or note from the parent or guardian authorizing that person to sign out the student in that instance.
- Students must check out at the Attendance Office when leaving school.
- Students who leave school without checking out through the Attendance Office will be marked unexcused.
- If returning to school, the student must sign back in at the Attendance Office before returning to class.
- If your student is not feeling well, it is important that they go to the clinic. The clinic will call the parent or legal guardian if it is deemed necessary for them to leave early.
Classifying Excused and Unexcused Absences
- Illness of the student
- Death in the family
- Doctor or dentist appointment
- Observance of a religious holiday
- Suspension (except for certain violations as provided in Regulation 2601)
- Other reasons acceptable to the principal or his/her designee
- Missed school bus, traffic or car problems
- Childcare situations, non-school related activities
- Any absence for which the parent or guardian does not have prior knowledge, consent and/or legitimate reason
- Vacations that are not pre-arranged at least 72 hours before the absence occurs
- Other reasons unacceptable to the principal or his/her designee
Chronic Absences
Chronic absenteeism is defined as missing ten percent or more of the academic year for any reason, including excused absences, unexcused absences, and suspensions. For students at risk of being chronically absent, a note from a medical professional may be required to excuse an absence. Additionally, students with five or more full-day unexcused absences will be referred to the FCPS Attendance Officer as provided under the Code of Virginia.
Pre-Arranged Absences
Pre-arranged absences must be made at least 72 hours (3 days) before the absence occurs. A pre-arranged absence form must be completed if a student will miss 3 or more days due to a planned absence. A note or email stating the dates and reason for the absence must be presented to the Attendance Office. Once we receive the note or email, the student will receive a pre-arranged absence form. The form must be presented to and signed by all their teachers and the student’s administrator for approval and then returned to the Attendance Office. If the absence is not approved and the student does not attend school, then the student may not be able to make up missed work. Be aware that a student with a prearranged absence is expected to be fully prepared on the day of her/his return (i.e. homework and tests) and will assume the responsibility for requesting assignments before leaving.
Academy Attendance
The parent or guardian must notify the academy school and South County HS if their student will be absent.
Academy Attendance Lines are the following:
West Potomac Academy: 703-718-2750
Edison Academy: 703-924-8137
Falls Church Academy: 703-207-4011
Chantilly Academy: 703-222-7496
Fairfax Academy: 703-219-4060
Attendance and Participation in Extracurricular and Co-Curricular Programs
Students must be in school the entire day to be eligible to participate in any student activities scheduled on that day. Exceptions to this standard may be made with the prior approval of the principal or her/his designee.